Multynet Electric Microwave Oven 25L AMT 9001


  • Power: 1600 W
  • Stainless Steel Heating Element
  • Operation Indicator
  • Heat Resistant Tempered Glass Window
  • 60 Min Timer Auto shut OFF & Signal Bell
Availability: Out of stock


Choosing easy and efficient recipes for food is key to save you time. Standing beside your pots and stirring can become increasingly repetitive and boring. Someday you just want a quick and simple meal. With this Multynet Electric Microwave Oven 25L AMT 9001, you can now achieve that easily. If you’re looking for the perfect blend of power and portability in a device then this is for you. All you need is a pan and you can add all your vegetables and meat to have them baked in this in no time.

You can try fun recipes like pasta bakes, casseroles, sheet pan roasts, and more to change it up. Moreover, this will do all the hard work for you so that you can sit and enjoy the meal with your family. This Multynet Electric Microwave Oven 25L AMT 9001 is a must-have for your homes. Get your hands on the most cutting-edge and innovative technologies. NexGen has a large selection of accessories and gadgets to go with your appliances.


  • Power: 1600 W
  • Stainless Steel Heating Element
  • Operation Indicator
  • Heat Resistant Tempered Glass Window
  • 60 Min Timer Auto shut OFF & Signal Bell

Nexgen understands that online shopping in Pakistan comes with its fair share of risks. International products and local convenience come together with Nexgen. Nexgen does not just cater to online shopping in Pakistan but also aims to simplify the way you give back to society. We’re proud to be working with some of the most prestigious organizations in Pakistan across a number of different industries.

1 review for Multynet Electric Microwave Oven 25L AMT 9001

  1. 5 out of 5

    Emaan Gee

    Multinet electric microwave Stainless Steel Heating Element,Glass Window,Autoshut OFF and Signal Bell….Its amazing

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